Those who want to have good results with their social marketing, it is important to analyze your work. By doing this you will be able to ensure that your profile and the content used on the social media is performing well. There are few ways that can help to improve your marketing process on monthly basis. You can just analyze your marketing process at the end of each month on the social media with these simple steps. Once you get the results, it can be used to adjust your plans for marketing in the next month.
1. Know your key performance- The most important thing is to assess your key performance areas that are related to your brand. Some of the things include retweets, followers, likes and more that must be concentrated to know the key performances. Visual contents are the most important part of engagement mainly for the B2B marketers and they use images or videos for promoting their content. In Twitter, you can use the hashtags to know the key performance of your business.
2. Reuse the content- You must always republish the most popular contents by following few important things. Always use the content that is relevant to your brand and never reuse the content that has time limit. Also make sure that the content used is always useful for some of the people on the social media platform. Try to use original content that is used in your website and avoid using curated posts as they are known to be less attractive. By following these simple rules you can easily attract more people to your post. Find out top 10 tweets during the last month that is usually based on retweets, clicks and more to known its performance. Once you assess these 10 tweets, you will be able to use the same type of technique in your business for social media marketing. Next you can repost the content in your Twitter account and schedule it accordingly.
3. Repurposing your content- You can use all your top performing content for repurposing just like reusing the content. If you don’t know which type of content to be used for repurposing, go through the previous month record. You can also start a campaign based on the repurposed content and also use the Google Analytics options to generate more traffic to your content.
4. Assess your social media profile- If you are really looking to expand your company and want to stand in the market for a long time, try to adjust your social media profile accordingly. It is always a good choice to assess your profile on regular basis even it is working in a perfect way. Try to update the profile on the social media platform in which you have the business profile on regular basis. If you are following a particular community or others who are following your profile are not active, try to remove them even if they are popular.